Tessa Zettel
Production team
Tessa is an artist, writer and design educator working to imagine and enact alternative ways of living. Her projects use collaborative and participatory processes to make visible contested histories and possible futures. They often involve new forms of exchange, various kinds of mapping, and revaluing forgotten cultural practices and knowledge. Ongoing projects include Plan Bienen (a speculative investigation of beekeeping and post-monetary economies in Berlin) and Making Time (a travelling food preserving kitchen). Recently, she has been based in Paris to research a new work about creole gardens and the “more-than-human” city. She has been part of collective ventures Yurt Empire, The Librarium, Summer School for Applied Autonomy and Weathering, and was a co-founder of Makeshift, whose site-based works were exhibited in such places as If you were to live here… 5th Auckland Triennial (Fresh Gallery, Auckland), and In the Balance: Art for a Changing World (Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney). When at home she teaches at the University of Technology Sydney. For Parckdesign, Tessa is part of the City3 team coordinating workshops and activities in the Parc Duden.